Woman Creates Mobile Dog Gym with Treadmill to Keep Canine Clients Fit and Happy


A woman from Australia has created a mobile dog gym called the "Woofer Wagon" that features a treadmill for dogs. The gym is designed to ensure that all dogs, including those with behavioral issues or those living in urban areas, have access to proper exercise.

Mirjam Kunnberg, 37, came up with the idea to create a mobile gym for dogs at her home in Australia. She outfitted a van with an air conditioning system and a treadmill and dubbed the vehicle the "Woofer Wagon." Her goal is to ensure that all dogs get a chance to exercise, even if they are unable to do so outdoors.

According to Kunnberg, many of her clients are interested in doing something extra and fun with their dogs, and the gym is a great way to strengthen their muscles. She says that some dogs will run like mad without any extra encouragement, while others may need a little more coaxing to get moving.

Kunnberg also noted that some dogs use her gym to build their confidence. She introduces them to mill work, which can be stressful for the dog, but then teaches them to overcome their fears.

Kunnberg believes that modern-day dogs don't have as many opportunities for a proper run due to urbanization and other factors, and her mobile gym is a way to bridge that gap. The treadmill in her gym is an innovative way to keep dogs active and healthy.

Regular exercise is essential for a dog's physical and mental well-being. According to the American Kennel Club, dogs should get at least 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise daily, depending on their breed and age.

Kunnberg's gym is a unique way to ensure that dogs get the exercise they need. Her innovative idea has received praise from dog owners and animal lovers alike, who appreciate the effort she is putting into improving the health and happiness of dogs.

In a world where more and more people live in urban areas and have less time to dedicate to their pets' exercise, Kunnberg's Woofer Wagon could be a game-changer for dog owners looking to keep their pets healthy and active.