Video Of Dog Trainer Beating A Muzzled Dog Causes Outrage

Andrea A.

In a new scandal that is causing indignation in the dog education world in France, a former client of canine club in France shared a shocking video. The images show a dog educator beating a dog with a muzzle over his snout.The young woman started taking her puppy to dog training because he had problems with socialization. Besides the beating, the video also shows the pup being pulled brutally by his leash.


Source : FFPA

The images caused the French Federation for Animal Protection(FFPA) to react. They decided to press charges for animal abuse. Eric Tramson, the founder of FFPA, told local news:

This video is shocking. We do not support that a dog who was wearing a muzzle was beaten and that the trainer dragged him around violently [...] The worst is that the trainer knew he was being filmed. And at the end of the video, we can see that there are a dozen people around him, and none of them stepped in.

Luckily, the dog was not seriously injured and is now being trained by the FFPA. "He is making progress every day," says his new trainer. (Warning: Graphic content).

Vidéo choc chienEnquête cloturée aprés 5 années de travail, nous avons besoin de vous et de vos signatures reveiller les consciencesVidéo choc avec les dérives, les flous juridiques autour du monde animalier que la FFPAnimale dénonce sur cette pétition pour faire changer les lois pour la protection des animaux . Encadrer la profession educateur canin devient impératif. Ouvrir le débat : et voici la réponse de PETA FRANCE et de la SPA: éducateur canin qui exerce toujours dans ce club canin affilié à la S.C.C dont nous avIons contacté, la FFPA attends toujours la réponse de cette institution qui reste dans le silence ...L'éducateur canin est présumé innocent dans l'attente de la décision de la Justice suite à la plainte déposée de la FFPAnimale.ATTENTION, certaines images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des plus jeunes ainsi que des personnes non averties. Merci de lire la pétition et surtout de lire la réponse de PETA FRANCE qui se dit d'agir pour la cause animale que la FFPAnimale ne peut cautionner....Posted by Dresse Monchien on Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Eric Tramson questions the legality of certain animal professions. "Regarding the treatment of dogs there is a true omerta [code of silence] because it is an industry that brings in an enormous amount of money,`' he added.The FFPA launched a petition to create an independent organization which would evaluate the competence of professionals in the animal sector, as well calls for a ban on electric collars or stranglers.


The president of the canine training organization, under which the club where the scandal took place fall,told local news:

[We condemn] this type of method which is not at all what we teach. We are ignoring which club it took place in for the moment, we are up to date and are continuing our own little investigation in order to later impose sanctions.