A popular belief is that dogs often resemble their owners. This was particularly the case for Liam Rice, from the Isle of Man and his dog Luna, a very expressive husky.Just like our top 9 dogs who kept returning to the same places to find food, this series of photos was inspired by a Twitter post. Liam Rice shared a few photos of him and Luna doing the same facial expressions.
I think my dog might actually be a human trapped in a dogs body ??♂️ pic.twitter.com/ZX62wb4nWL
— Liam Rice (@Li4mricee) February 8, 2018
The tweet quickly went viral with others trying to reproduce the same thing with their pooches. Here are a selection of the most succesful attempts...
Source: Desiiah
Source: GoogleBizTog
Source: rickstarring
Source: KambachFluff
Source: Jwoohoo
Source: OpheliacRainy
Source: paulcroce
Source: JAMSXD