This Three-Legged Pitbull Took A Bullet And Survived Saving His Humans From An Armed Burglar


Levi, a 15-year-old, three-legged pit bull from Janesville, Wisconsin, US, saved his humans' lives when he stopped an armed burglar in their home this week.


Source: @CNN

Darcy Cherry and her boyfriend, Bob Stenzel, were in their home last week when a burglar broke in. Things took a turn for the worse when the burglarbrought out a gun and made them lie on the floor as he demanded money from them.


Source: @CNN

But their three-legged Pitbull, Levi, wasn't going to see his humans get hurt and jumped onto the burglar after growling and barking at him. Stenzel told WISC:

Not more than a minute after that, the person fired on Levi right in the head.

By chance, the bullet grazed the dog’s head and lodged into hisleft shoulder. The intruder then ran off after shooting the dog without stealing anything.


Source: @LifewithDogs

Leviis expected to make a full recovery from the gunshot wound. And he's getting more treats than ever before after he heroically saved his humans' lives. Police say the suspect, a masked man, is still on the loose.


Source: @LifewithDogs

In an interview with CNN, Cherry struggled to hold back the tears as she toldthe story.


Source: @CNN

And this isn’t Levi’s first brush with heroism.Levi lost his leg during a family hike in 2014. The dog apparently took a fall of the edge of a trail — shattering his leg.Cherry said that Levi’s action prevented her son, who was following close behind the dog, from falling off the trail himself.


Source: @CNN

Bravo to Levi, what an incredible dog! We hope he makes a speedy recovery.

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