Sheana, a Boxer mix, first came to a shelter in Long Island in 2014. 2 years old at the time, she had grown up in an abusive home, and had developed behavioral problems because of this, writesThe Dodo.She was transferred toHempstead Town Animal Shelterin Wantagh, where, despite her difficulties, she quickly adapted and was sent to a training facility, so that she could learn how to be a good dog and be more likely to be adopted.
Source: Melissa Fogarty
Although she was swiftly adopted by a family, it sadly wasn't for very long. Even worse, this pattern would repeat itself 11 times in just 3 years. Today, at 5 years old, Sheana is still at Hempstead. Melissa Fogarty, a staff member at the shelter, explained:
She's been through a lot and it's taken its toll — from us, to a rescue, to training, back to us and a few homes that haven't been the right fit in between. She's a very resilient dog. I really do think she embodies the word.
Source: Melissa Fogarty
The many families who adopted Sheana brought her back for a variety of reasons, some of them very trivial. One sent her back when she managed to open the fridge and eat food set aside for a barbeque, despite the fact that she'd been completely alone at the time.Finding the perfect family for the poor pooch has proved to be extremely difficult, despite the fact that she is a very sweet and cuddly dog, once your get past her wary shell. Her long stay has even given her the opportunity to learn lots of tricks, such as 'shake', 'sit', 'roll over' and even how to balance and catch treats on command!
Source: Melissa Fogarty
She usually spends her days in Fogarty's office, so that they can keep each other company. Like many dogs, Sheana has separation anxiety and every night, Fogarty helps her relax and leaves music on for her, to help keep her calm when no one is there. According to the young woman:
She's honestly one of the best dogs I've ever met and I would take her home in a heartbeat if she was good with cats. When she loves you, she LOVES you. She's loyal, sweet, and definitely makes my day.
Source: Melissa Fogarty
As of yet, Sheana has still not been adopted, but we can only hope that she finds the loving home she deserves.If you are interested in adopting Sheana yourself, please contact Hempstead Town Animal Shelter on 516-785-5220, visit them at 3320 Beltagh Avenue, Wantagh NY 11793 or email them at [email protected].
Source: Melissa Fogarty
If you are thinking of getting a pet, please consider adopting through one of your local shelters, such as theASPCAif you are from the U.S. or theRSPCAif you live in the U.K.
H/t: The Dodo
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