
This Old, Abused Horse Can't Stop Rolling Around In Ecstasy Now He's Finally Free


WhenFemke Den Haas, founder of animal organization Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), saw a video of an exhausted carriage horse being beaten in the street, she knew that she had to do something. Today, because of her actions, that horse is happy and safe in a loving home.Concerned animal lovers sent the video to her after it went viral online. It showed a horse, Chester, collapsed in a street in Jakarta, Indonesia. His owner, a carriage driver, was beating him with a whip in an attempt to get him to stand up again. Exhausted, Chester stayed on the ground until he was eventually pulled to his feet and forced to carry on working.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDm07_1YZaY&feature=youtu.beTo Den Haas, this wasn't an unusual sight and, in at least one case she saw, the story ended with with the death of the horse. Determined that Chester shouldn't end up the same way, she found out where the carriage driver lived. When she arrived there, it was clear that Chester was suffering terribly, as she told The Dodo:

He arrived in the rain, soaking wet. He was extremely skinny and looked exhausted. His legs [were] swollen. He looked like a broken soul with no life in his eyes. Just exhausted and full of sadness.

Luckily, it was quite easy for her to persuade the man to give up Chester. As well as there being video evidence of him breaking animal cruelty laws all over the internet, he admitted that he was thinking of sending Chester to slaughter as he was quite old and weak, collapsing frequently.

Source: JAAN

After 10 years pulling carriages, the old horse finally left a life of fatigue and beatings for greener pastures - Arthayasa Stables, to be precise.The people running the stable kindly offered to give the animal a home where he would have plenty of space to run and play in, as well as other horses to socialize with. Chester absolutely adores his new home - especially all the grass he can now roll around in to his heart's content:

When Chester saw grass to roll in, his eyes lit up. He kept rolling over and over and over again. He was so happy to be able to do all those things horses want and need to do [...] Now Chester’s life is about grazing and interacting with other ponies, running around freely in the field, being brushed and cuddled.

https://www.facebook.com/jakartaanimalaidnetwork/videos/1683217065076209/To help JAAN rescue wild and domestic animals in Jakarta, please make a donation by clicking here.

H/t: The Dodo

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