
This Kind-Hearted Woman Invited Tiny Puppies To Her Wedding To Help Them Get Adopted. The Photos Will Melt Your Heart

Andrea A.

When it came to her wedding, Iowa citizen Samantha Clark decided to go a little bit outside of the box. Gone were the traditional bouquets for her bridesmaids. Instead, they carried adorable puppies down the aisle, reportsThe Dodo.

Source: Samantha Clark

Samantha, a dog lover with 3 pooches of her own, asked local rescue associationAHeinz57 Pet Rescue and Transportfor help with her unique idea. The shelter, which welcomed more than 100 animals affected by Hurricane Harvey at the end of August, were more than happy to help make her day extra-special.

Source: Samantha Clark

The shelter gave Samantha and her bridesmaids several puppies, all of them adoptable, to carry down the aisle with them. The new bride explained her choice, saying that she wanted to do something for animals in need. Showing off the immensely cute puppies, in her mind, was a sure-fire way to encourage her friends and family to adopt. Plus, they made her bridesmaids very happy:

The bridesmaids were in heaven with them, and the guests were in awe!

Source: Samantha Clark

One of the shelter's staff members was also on hand with a little stall, so that the enamored guests could learn more about adoption, or just how to help homeless animals. Jamie Scott, a spokesperson for the association, told The Dodo:

Everyone loved having the puppies there! The bride wanted to draw attention to rescue dogs and how important it is to find them good homes. What better way to do that than with adorable puppies?! The response has been amazing! We have had many people contacting us about it and also asking if they can have puppies at their wedding or party. We have also gotten many adoption applications for the puppies.

Source: Samantha Clark

Hopefully Samantha's amazing idea will inspire a new tradition! After all, everyone knows that the only thing better than a wedding photo is a wedding photo with an adorable dog.

Source: Samantha Clark

Animals from shelters make just as good companions and give just as much love as any other. Check out your local shelters, such as those run by theASPCAin the United States, or theRSPCAin Great Britain if you are considering getting a pet.

H/t: The Dodo

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