In December 2016, Franny, an adorable female Pitbull and 150 other dogs, were rescued from a nightmare dog fighting ring in the Southeast United States, reportsThe Dodo.
Source: ASPCA
In January 2017, Franny was transferred to theASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center, located in Madison, New Jersey. Matt Bershadker, president of the APSCA, explained:
Ten years ago, it was common for dogs seized in dog fighting cases to be immediately euthanized due to the perception that they're inherently aggressive and dangerous. Now the behavior of each dog seized in a dog fighting raid is often evaluated individually to determine appropriate placement options.
Source: ASPCA
After an evaluation of Franny, the volunteers estimated that the dog could be rehabilitated and can relearn to trust humans, despite the cruel mistreatment she had endured in the past. Franny finished the program in a few weeks, and was then handed over to Rescuzillaand placed with a foster family.
Source: ASPCA
The adorable dog is still waiting for her forever home, but no doubt that Franny will find one soon!
Source: ASPCA
You can help the ASPCA with their work by making a donationhere!
Source: ASPCA
H/t: The Dodo
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