
They Couldn't Find This Kitten's Eyes Because Of Strange "Infection"


Missy Dubuisson, founder and director of Wild At Heart Rescue, received a call regarding a kitten who had shown up with a strange eye infection. Although her foundation primarily deals with wildlife, she takes the odd domestic case too.This is what happened with Stevie, "the wonder cat".Dubuisson calledStephanie Roberts, a wildlife rehabilitator with Wild at Heart, who mostly takes care of squirrels but also fosters kittens, and asked her if she wanted to care for the 3-month-old kitty. She said she definitely would, and Robertstold The Dodo:

And then Missy said, 'I can't find his eyes though. Please just find his eyes.

Source: Stephanie Roberts/The Dodo

Stevie was in bad shape when he first arrived at the Roberts' - underweight and a bad eye infection, but it was impossible to tell if he was blind or not because he never bumped into things.


Source: Stephanie Roberts/The Dodo

They soon discovered, to everyone's surprise, that Stevie wasn't only blind - he had no actual eyeballs. The eye sockets were completely empty. It was a condition with which he was born.


Source: Stephanie Roberts/The Dodo

Roberts said that you wouldn't be able to tell he didn't have eyes if you just met him... The kitten goes everywhere he wants without a problem!


Source: Stephanie Roberts/The Dodo

Stevie is now one year old and still living with Roberts, who claims that he is by far the smartest of her four cats. He has his own special stroller when he goes out on walks and loves playing fetch with Roberts' daughter by listening for the ball.


Source: Stephanie Roberts/The Dodo

Stevie is a testament to disabled cats everywhere, proving they can do everything an abled cat can do and more.


Source: Stephanie Roberts/The Dodo