
The Very Best Things You Can Do For A Wild Animal In Distress


Have you ever come across an animal in a sticky situation? Maybe you didn't know if he needed help, and if he did, you didn't know quite how to go about it...It's often difficult to know if you should help a wild animal. To be honest, it all depends on the species of the animal, his age, behaviour, and so many other things.However, there are a few actionsyou can taketo help make a differencewithout risking too much.

Working out if an animal needs help

The first thing to do is to find out if he really needs your help. This is the probably the case if:

  • He is shivering or suffering from convulsions.
  • He is crying, moaning or screaming.
  • He is visibly injured or bleeding.
  • One of his limbs is obviously broken.
  • You find him near another dead animal.

Source : @SussexWildlife

If you notice one or more of these signs, you can assume that the animal is in distress and may need professional help. Get in touch with one of the RSPCA centres or your chosen vet. If you think it necessary, you can pick up the animal yourself and move him to a safer place.

Be careful: even a small animal may lash out if he feels threatened. We therefore recommend that you consult a vet or animal specialist by phone, describing the animal and his condition to work out if you can move him yourself. In addition, take a look at the advice from the Humane Society to find out more.

Once you think it's safe to act, there are some instructions to follow when moving him.


Source : @Rspb

Take the animal to a safe place

  • Protect yourself with gloves.
  • Wrap the animal in a towel or blanket when you pick him up.
  • If possible, place him in some kind of container (a cardboard box, carrying case or large bag).
  • Do not try to give him food or water. You may give him food that doesn't agree with him, and if he's hurt, he may choke or experience other digestive problems.
  • Place the container in a quiet, warm place, away from children or other animals that might cause him more stress.
  • Do not try to communicate with him and try to keep calm. Wild animals aren't used to human voices and this kind of contact may make them more anxious.
  • Do not attempt any medical treatment yourself.
  • Take him to a specialist animal medical centre or get an animal professional to come to your home.

Source : @AnimalSdb

There's one special case: if you find a bird all alone and it looks like he's fallen from his nest, it's best not to move him unless he's visibly hurt or facing imminent danger.

If he's just lost, it's very likely that his family will come looking for him, so it's essential that he stay in the same place. On the other hand, if you find his nest, you can (carefully, of course) try to put him back or leave him just close by.

In any case, do not take any action without first consulting a professional. By following these simple guidelines, you can be sure to do the very best thing for the animal.

Featured Image: @Blogspot