This little kitten named Mac and Cheese was recently found, abandoned with his brothers and sisters, in Long Island, near New York.
Source: @Massapequa Pet Vet
When his siblings left for their adoptive families, the person who first found the kittens noticed that Mac and Cheese's back legs didn't work.
He put him in an empty Mac and Cheese box - from which he gets his name - and took him to Massapequa Pet Vet, the local veterinary clinic.
At the clinic, the medical staff fell for the poor kitten straight away, making a great fuss over him. "He has 30 mommies here", said Donna, the clinic's director.
Source: @Massapequa Pet Vet
The medical exams at the clinic concluded that his legs were not broken, but there was no other physical explanation for his inability to walk. The kitten also seemed to be in pain, giving the team hope that his leg wasn't paralysed.
Whatever the problem, his little legs are now being treated at the clinic. While he waits, the team at the clinic has made him a wheelchair to help him get around better.
And he does just that! You can't help but smile watching the little cat, so happy with his toy! He runs off in every direction, clearly making the most of his new freedom.
"Like a rocket-ship", smiles Donna.
If you want to help, you can donate to Mac and Cheese's care by contacting Massapequa Pet Vet.
H/t: @TheDodo