Discovering that you're allergic to felines is a disaster for any cat-lover. But you can put away the tissues; there are some breeds that cause less of a reaction, if any at all.Here are the top 11!
Source: AFP
Originally from Thailand, the Burmese is a cat that loves human company. Full of energy, they have vivid and outgoing personalities.
Source: Bengalthor
Whatever their name might tell you, the Bengal actually comes from the U.S., although they are named after their bigger cousins. They are quite large cats, lively, curious and intelligent.
Source: Catster
The Cornish Rex is a recent breed from the United Kingdom, well known for its short, curly fur. Very sociable creatures, they hate being alone and get on very well with other cats and animals.
Source: Pinterest
Ocicats were created in 1964 in the United States. They are very active cats who appreciate both animal and human company, and are often nicknamed 'cat-dogs' for how affectionate they are.
Source: Cat Breed Selector
Another tricky name! Named after an island in Indonesia, they were actually first bred in the U.S., and occasionally called 'Mandarins'. They don't have an undercoat, which is why they are hypoallergenic! They are lively and talkative.
Source: Elelur
Yet another U.S. native sneakily named after another country. They are descended from the Siamese and have inherited many of their strong personality traits, such as their affectionate natures and loud, drawling meows.
Source: I Heart Cats
These cats are actually from Thailand and were imported to Europe in 1850. Intelligent and dynamic, they are the perfect family cat.
Source: Pinterest
Russian Blues first appeared in Russia and Scandinavia, they are very attractive cats with blue-gray fur and bright green eyes. They are quiet and sociable, but a little shy around strangers, who have to work to gain their trust.
Source: Chats sibériens
From Russia, these cats are furry, large, sweet and calm. Since they produce very little FEL D1, the protein that causes allergies, they are the most hypoallergenic cats.
Source: Planète animale
The Siamese was born in Thailand and imported to England in the 19th century. They are needy and cuddly cats, as well as very intelligent. They are very well known for their talkative natures and love having 'conversations' with their humans.
Source: CatTime
This unusual breed has no fur and comes from Canada. They love to snuggle up to their humans and meet new people. Their humans must pay particular attention to their skin, in case it becomes irritated.
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