
What You Need To Know Before Adopting A Second Dog. And How To Do It


Do you think your dog would appreciate another companion for when you go to work during the day? Is he lonely and bored and wants a playmate?


Source: @sawyerthedachsundThese may be the things running through your mind if you're considering adopting another dog. After all two's a company, right?

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Source: @bs_babyspotwadeSo here at Holidog, we wanted to let you know a few things to consider for your dog's welfare but also your own before adopting a new pup to add to the family.


  • Adopting another dog means more love all round
  • They provide companionship and a playmate for your first dog
  • They may also provide a friend for your child
  • You may be saving a shelter dog's life

Source: @eyerockvintage


  • Twice the cost - expenses rise with more vet bills, more food and more toys to buy (they won't share!)
  • Messy pups means more to clear up, in the garden or in the house
  • Your first dog may react badly to less individual attention
  • It could lead to potential behaviour problems
  • Not one, but two dogs now completely reliant on you
  • May be a bad influence on each other and be destructive when you're not home

Source: @muchachi_taBut perhaps theworst situation for adopting a second dog is if it doesn't get along with your first dog. A conflict of personality, jealousy issues, invasion of space and territory,your first dog may not like the new addition to the home.So if you are considering it, here's what to do before:

Research the dog breed

Make sure your first dog's temperament and character is a match with the second breed you want to adopt. A lazy English Bulldog and a hyperactive whippet may not make the best companions...



Spay/neuter same sex dogs

It goes without saying that having dogs of the opposite sex will lead to a few more dogs than you hoped for if you don't neuter one of both of them.

Train your dog well

Make sure your first dog is trained well and is obedient before you bring in another dog. Not only will it set a good example, but it will mean your dog will be nicer to the new arrival and less likely to flip off the handle.


Source: @vitothedog

Introduce them slowly and keep an eye on them

It would not be wise to let your second dog roam free as soon as he enters your home. The first dog could easily attack it and its inquisitive nature at its new surroundings may irritate the first dog. Use a lead at the start so he doesn't pose a threat. Do not leave them alone and unsupervised without you until you're sure there will be no aggressive behaviour.


Source: @sarahbdanksTwice the dogs, twice the love, if you think you can handle a second dog then go for it. We just want you to be sure you can make it a smooth transition for the both of them :)

Featured image: @muchachi_ta

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