
The First Dog Cafe In The USA Is Finally About To Open Its Doors

Andrea A.

Cat cafes have become more and more popular in recent times and have been around in Japan for several years now. However, for many dog lovers, dog cafes have remained a wonderful but unrealised idea.

Source: François Lo Presti

For the canine obsessed in the UK, dog cafes have begun to spring up in UK cities such as Manchester and Newcastle. Visitors are invited to enjoy a coffee and a cake as well as some excellent canine company.

Source: Photonews

Now, this concept has finally made its way across the Atlantic and reached the USA. The first dog cafe in the country will open in New York's East village.Boris & Horton will be entirely dog friendly and guests can bring their favorite four legged friends along with them to enjoy a coffee or a tea. The establishment was founded by Coppy and Logan Holzmann and will open its doors in December 2017.

Source: Grace Chon

The cafe will be made up of two parts: the first designed for food and drink where animals aren't permitted and a separate area where animals can run free. However, the cafe is not designed just for those who have dogs already. Coppy Holzmann explains:

What we found is, a lot of people like dogs and because of their circumstances can't have one—so this is a dog-friendly place.

Source: Ufunk

The cafe will also have a photo booth where humans can take photos with their pooches as well as a merchandise section.The establishment will also have 'adoption days' in association with the Badass Brooklyn shelter.

H/t: Le Figaro

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