The European Union Has Just Dealt A Severe Blow To Bullfighting


Yesterday, Wednesday the 28th October, the European parliament voted in favour of cutting EU subsidies to farmers who specifically breed bulls for bullfights. One step further towards ending this ancient tradition. The MEPs declared:

CAP appropriations or any other appropriations from the budget should not be used for the financing of bullfighting activities that involve the death of the animal. 

Source : @toroalcarriaThis amendment was put forward by the Greens. 64% of MEPs (438 votesout of 687) voted in favour of the amendment. The vote took place upon the plenary session concerning the EU General Budget for 2016. It had been long awaited by animal rights activists.


Source : @toroalcarria

A victory for anti-bullfighting campaigners

Numerousassociations have expressed their relief. The CRAC Europe (Radically Anti-bullfighting Committee) announced:

This represents a significant breakthrough towards the abolition of the barbarity of bullfighting in Europe, since this lethal industry is on the brink of financial collapse everywhere and only survived due to subsidies and various forms of fraud. 

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation has also recognised this"historic victory".


Source : @toroalcarria

But the vote still has to be approved

The vote is only provisional.The demand to cut subsidies(as for the rest of the EU's budget proposals) will be submitted for the approval of the Council of Ministers. It isn't until then that the law will be able to be applied. Incidentally, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation have expressed theirconcernson their Twitter account:

Bullfighting : the European parliament's decision must be confirmed by the Ministerial Council ... Alas France will surely be against it!

In order to support the fight against such barbarity, you can contribute to CRAC Europe who have campaigned for the abolition of bullfighting for years.

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