Sad Puppy Discovered In Garbage Can By People In Texas


In December 2017, animal control officers received a call from people in Dickinson, Texas, expressing concern about a moving garbage can.To their surprise, a tiny, only 8 week old puppy was the reason behind this mystery. Covered in fleas and blood, with his right eye dislocated from its socket, it was a miracle he was still alive. Even though he was wearing a collar, suggesting he once had an owner, it was clear that he had been dumped.He was taken immediately to Animal Kingdom Pet Hospital where he was stabilized right away. No one knows how his right eye became so badly damaged but due to infection, it needed to be removed. Puncture wounds on his tiny body suggest that it's likely he was attacked by another dog.

Source: Kristen Smith

Kristen Smith, a vet at the surgery said to The Dodo:

We had no idea if he would survive the surgery to remove his eye. Luckily, he pulled through and everything went better than expected

He was later named Thor for his strength and bravery and it seemed like he was rescued just in time with vets saying he probably wouldn't have survived another night alone.

Source: Kristen Smith

During recovery, Thor's charismatic and loving personality really came through and Smith decided to bring him home with her so he could have a comfortable place to heal. The local shelter, Bayou Animal Services, kindly offered to pay for his care.Now Thor is getting the love and attention he deserves with Smith saying:

He’s very affectionate and likes nothing more than cuddling. He’s such a sweet, tiny baby and everyone who meets him falls in love with him.

He is said to be recovering very well despite his less than fortunate start to life and is currently being treated for multiple parasites. His youth has allowed him to adapt quickly to life with only one eye and it doesn't seem to faze him.

Source: Kristen Smith

Smith believes that Thor will soon be ready for a "forever home" now that the New Year is upon us. He really is, in Smith's words, "the perfect little puppy."

H/t: The Dodo

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