
Puppy Left To Starve Outside Front Door Was Completely Ignored Until It Was Too Late

Andrea A.

(Caution: graphic images)Angel, a 6-month Belgian shepherd, was terribly neglected by irresponsible owners. On June 26, 2017, the little animal was found in agony sitting outside the front door of her owner's home in Saint Paul, Reunion Island.

Source: L'Arche de Freyja

A local neighbor noticed the puppy, who was in a shocking state. Worried for his wellbeing, she alerted the local animal welfare associationArche de Freyjawho immediatelydeployed a volunteer to find and do all they could to rescue the animal. Angel was discovered outside the front door to the property, forced to live in his own excrement.He was completely motionless and, recognizing that his condition was absolutely critical, the volunteer brought him straight to a veterinary clinic for urgent care.

Source: L'Arche de Freyja

The poor animal was suffering from a horrifying range of medical problems. Angel was completely emaciated, suffering from severe hypothermia, anemia, dehydration and had fallen into a coma, all to the indifference of the people entrusted to care for him.Sadly, it was too late for the canine, and he passed away at the veterinary center with the volunteer who tried to rescue him by his side.

Source: L'Arche de Freyja

The associationArche de Freyjaknew that this innocent puppy who died due to pure neglect by his owners deserved justice and decided to act.They launched a petition (in French) demanding that the dog's owners and others that neglect their dogs must face consequences.Sign the petition if you would like to add your voice to the cause and help to get justice for Angel and other dogs who suffer cruelty.

Source: L'Arche de Freyja

H/t : IP Réunion

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