Wolfeboro Police Department, along with Humane Society of the United States, made a shocking discovery on June 16. They uncovered a puppy mill hidden in a mansion in New Hampshire, USA.The team was absolutely horrified to find 84 Great Danes kept in deplorable conditions inside.
Source: Humane Society of the United States
The huge home, which from the outside looked grand, couldn't have been more different. Upon entry, the team was greeted with the terrible and filthy conditions that the poor dogs had been kept in.They had been confined to small cages, which were nowhere near as large as such a large breed requires. One five foot rescuer described how she stood 'eye to eye' with some of the canines.
Source: Meredith Lee/Humane Society of the United States
They had clearly been kept in disgusting conditions and were suffering from a multitude of physical problems as a result. Some had eyes so swollen that they could no longer see, and others were severely malnourished and underweight. Rescuers described the 'putrid' smell that was permeating the building.Thankfully, they were finally saved by the hard working rescuers who worked tirelessly from 6:45 am till midnight to get all the dogs to safety. They managed to secure all 84 dogs and bring them to a temporary shelter where they will begin the long road to recovery.
Source: Conway Area Humane Society
Of these, 9 of the dogs associated with this case have been taken to the Conway Area Humane Society where they are receiving plenty of love and care. The huge canines have extremely healthy appetites and are eating up to 30lb of food a day.Police Chief Dean Rondeau from the Wolfeboro Police Department described in a statement:
I’ve never seen conditions this bad in more than 21 years of law enforcement. Words cannot describe the absolute abhorrent conditions these animals were living in.
Source: Meredith Lee/Humane Society of the United States
The owner of the property Christina Fay, 60, hadput the dogs up for sale at the 'De La Sang Monde ' Kennelor $2.500 each.She has been charged with two misdemeanour counts of animal neglect but he maintains that he had been taking care of the animals and that the authorities simply arrived before he had had a chance to clean that day.Watch The Humane Society of the United States video about this rescue below:[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_R9x3336oM[/embed]To support The Humane Society of the United States and help them to continue their amazing work you can make a donation by clicking here.
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