
Kitten Who Lost Her Sight From Being Dumped Outside In Winter Still Loves Cuddles


When they found her, she was stuck to her brother's side from the freezing cold. unfortunately, the little male kitten did not survive, but his sister had a fighting spirit.Manga's life started out tough. Celine Crom, a member of the organizationChatons Orphelins Montreal, who specializes in orphaned kittens, said: "She was found outside during winter almost died at five weeks. She was a little stray."


Source : Chatons Orphelins Montréal

She had spent days fending for herself in extremely cold weather conditions and this had irreversible effects on Manga's health. She was undernourished and sick when they found her, but the worst was a bad eye infection.The little black kitten was taken to a veterinary clinic for urgent treatment. After having cleaned and disinfected her eyes, the doctors agreed that it was sadly too late - she had lost her sight.


Source : Chatons Orphelins Montréal

But Manga would not allow this handicap to stop her from living life in any way. She started getting better and gaining her strength back, little by little, in the organization's shelter. She turned into a happy kitten who loves cuddles.


Source : Chatons Orphelins Montréal

She learnt to find her way around without a problem, despite her lack of sight. She knows exactly where she is going and in which direction toturn to find her friends. "Manga is strong and keeps surprising us every day with what she can do! Now she can jump from the sofa without problem." continued Celine.


Source : Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The volunteers at the shelter gave Manga a second chance in life and are hoping to find her the perfect home with loving caregivers who will not reject her because of her handicap. They say that she will love life even more than "normal" cats because she appreciates every cuddle!


Source : Chatons Orphelins Montréal

You can help the shelter at Chatons Orphelins Montrealby making a donation, and support them in saving other lost, abandoned kittens like Manga.

Des nouvelles de Manga, 8 semaines, aveugleC'est bien la petite Manga qui joue avec une balle...Manga compense énormément sa cécité avec ses autres sens. Elle réagit beaucoup à la voix et aux bruits. Elle est fascinante.Sa FA la guide et lui montre, mais déjà elle se débrouille très bien. Dès qu’elle entend la voix de sa maman FA elle vient.Manga va bien depuis qu’elle est avec nous, on est complètement surpris de la voir aller. Elle est propre avec la litière, elle sait ou est son bol de nourriture et son bol d’eau. C’est puissant de voir une petite boulette noire si vite s’adapter et se développer.D'autres nouvelles bientôt.---Toute l'histoire de Manga est ici:https://www.facebook.com/Rescuechatonsmontreal/photos/a.871480952939437.1073741827.871473582940174/1198260460261483/?type=3&theater---Ce chaton n’est pas en adoption évidemment, il est en soins. Il sera en adoption après ses 10 semaines si tout va bien.Prenez connaissance du processus dans la section ''à propos'' de notre page FBPublié par Chatons Orphelins Montréal - Réseau d'entraide, sauvetages et adoptions sur dimanche 25 décembre 2016