Have you ever seen your pet do this?If so, they may be verysick, and recognising this behaviour early on could save their life.
SourceAs pet owners, it is our responsibility to recognise the warning signs of illnesses that our dogs and cats may develop. Although rare, some pets may manifest their suffering by pressing their heads against the wall. This is called head pressing."Head pressing" is a condition characterised by the compulsive act of pressing the head against a wall, corner or other object for a long period of time. Whilst we may think they are doing this for no apparent reason, it most often signifies a significant illness.
Head pressing maybe a symptom of a varietyof illnesses, however it is most commonly associated with damage to the nervous system, or toxicity due to liver damage. When the liver doesn't remove toxins from the blood stream, the build up of toxins can cause the neurological syndrome of head pressing.Infections of the nervous system, such as rabies or a fungal infection are also conditions that may cause head pressing.Other possible causes may be a metabolic disorder, such as hyper or hyponatremia (too much, or too little sodium in the body’s blood plasma), or it could indicate a tumour located in the brain. Any kind ofhead trauma, such as from a car accident, could potentially cause head pressing. Brain damage, toxic poisoning and strokes are also possible causes.
It is likely that your pet will show other signsof illness alongside head pressing. Other symptoms that may accompany this canvary. Look out forcompulsive pacing and circling, changes in trained behaviour and even seizures. Increased urinationand water intake may also be symptoms. Visual problems, andjaundice of the eyes and gums, are also a potential sign along with lethargy.
SourceIf your dog or cat is exhibiting any of these signs, it is important you take them to the vet as soon as possible.The sooner you seek treatment, the better chances your pet will have at making a full recovery.