
Hopeless Dog Jumps Off Balcony Where He Was Held Prisoner In The Blazing Sun


Last Sunday in Polinyà, near Barcelona in Spain, a dog jumped from the third-floor balcony of the building where he was held prisoner by his owners.

Having spent hours without any water in the intense heat, the poor creature resorted to extreme measures in a desperate attempt to escape his unbearable plight.

In the video filmed by the firefighters, who quickly arrived on the scene thanks to the worried calls of neighbours, you see him perilously climb up the railings to try and get off the balcony. His chilling cries ring out as the animal tries to jump, then falls through the air.

Les imatges que pengem avui no són agradables de visualitzar però creiem que, de vegades, hem de publicar aquests videos per posar èmfasi als propietaris dels animals de la #responsabilitat que això comporta.Aquestes són les conseqüències de deixar un gos durant hores a un balcó amb altes temperatures i sense aigua ni menjar.Ahir a la tarda vam rebre diverses trucades on se'ns informava que un gos portava hores al sol en un balcó i que semblava tenir la intenció de llençar-se al buit.Després de l'avís dels veïns es va avisar a Bombers i es van personar al lloc per intentar el rescat i evitar la caiguda.Malauradament, el gos va caure però, gràcies a la col.laboració veïnal, ho va fer a sobre del tendall d'un pati. Allà va ser recollit pels nostres agents i va ser atès per una veterinària que va realitzar una primera valoració favorable de l'estat de l'animal.El gos va ser comissat preventivament i lliurat a la protectora amb la qual col.laborem. Tanmateix, s'han obert un procediment administratiu i un altre penal per possible maltractament animal per tal de sancionar els fets.Posted by Policia Local Polinyà on Monday, July 11, 2016

Luckily, the neighbours were able to anticipate his fall: they had created a sort of blanket to cushion him and save the dog's life.

The firefighters had just arrived and were putting up their ladder when he launched himself into the air. The dog was taken straight into the care of the vets and is now safe and sound.


The local police in Polinyà published the shocking video of the dog's fall on their Facebook pageas a way of raising awareness amongst pet owners, in summer in particular:

This is the result of leaving a dog on a balcony for hours in the blazing heat with no water. 

The footage was shared all over the internet and has provoked uproar all over Spain. The police officers later confirmed that the dog is doing well and apologised forcausing any offence to certain shocked internet users.The dog owners have since then been identified, taken into questioning and facean animal cruelty sentence.