
Groomer Spends Her Holidays Selflessly Cleaning Homeless Dogs For Free


"Instead of going out to clubs, I offer my services to the poor".Maud, a 25-year-old groomer, spends all her free time grooming homeless dogs for free in her hometown of Namur, Belgium.


Source :  RTL.be

Unlike most other young people, she did not spend her Christmas break partying or relaxing with her family. She drove her van around, roaming the streets and looking for homeless people who could not afford to send their dogs to the groomers. She said:

I think that during the holiday season, we are too "arrogant". It seems to be more about seeing our families, eating or going out than doing simple, kind deeds to help many people who are completely alone.

Source :  RTL.be

This generous initiative tugged at Carine's heartstrings, who had her dog, Aki, groomed: "When one adopts a dog, one knows that it will be expensive. Here we can have the services for free."Maud's parents also take part in the good deeds by offering food to the homeless people and some treats to their pups.


Source :  RTL.be

The family helps to temporarily relieve many people's stress who are often forced to neglect their own needs in order to take care of their dogs. "The bond between a human and their pet is very important. Sometimes, it is the only social tie that is left in their lives," explainedEmeline Legrain, a nurse who is impressed by the veterinarian's generosity.


Source :  RTL.be

Maud is motivated by knowing she is lifting a weight off these people's shoulders by helping their beloved pets. She plans on doing it again next year.

H/t: RTL.be