It isn't unusual for people to feel like they have a completely new dog after a trip to the hairdressers. But for one woman from Georgia, this cute turn of phrase turned into a hilarious reality!Debbie Patterson took her daughter's Yorkshire Terrier, Chloe, to a groomer after she had started to look a little scruffy. She'd gone out to run errands while the pup was pampered, then went to pick her up.
Source: Debbie Patterson
As Patterson told The Dodo, she didn't realize anything was wrong when a very smart-looking Yorkie was given to her:
The guy brought her out and she was licking his face. That's just what Chloe does. As he put her into her carrier, I thought, ‘Boy, a haircut really did change her hair color a lot!’ I didn’t think nothing of it.
Source: Debbie Patterson
But once she got home, she started to notice that this dog wasn't who she seemed to be. 'Chloe' didn't know how to get down from the couch, as she usually did, and Patterson's cat had taken a very sudden dislike to a dog who had been her friend.What's more, she really was a completely different color to Chloe; more reddish than the golden girl she knew.Now very suspicious, she called her daughter. “I called her and said, ‘I know you’re going to think I’ve lost my mind, but I don’t think I have the right dog.' She just wasn’t acting like Chloe!" Patterson said. "She said, ‘What?! Ain’t no way you could’ve got the wrong dog.’ I said, ‘I swear to God. I don’t think I’ve got the right dog.’”
Source: Debbie Patterson
When a phone call came from the groomer ten minutes later, saying that they thought they'd given her the wrong collar, Patterson had a big shock for them:
I said, ’No, honey. It ain’t the collar on the wrong dog. You gave me the wrong damn dog!’ She said, ‘Wha — What?!’ I said, ‘I’m serious!’
What had gone wrong was quickly discovered; Chloe was not the only Yorkshire Terrier brought into the salon that day... And the other Yorkie was also called Chloe!
Source: Debbie Patterson
The other Chloe's family had only adopted her a few days ago, so they too didn't notice that they had the wrong dog, but they did know that she had the wrong collar on.A new employee had put the wrong collars on the doggy doppelgangers after bathing them and was absolutely mortified. But luckily, Patterson sees it as an honest, if quite funny mistake, and says that she'll go back again - she'll just check more carefully next time!
H/t: The Dodo
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