
Flying Squirrel Covered in Mystery Substance Rescued by Wildlife Center


Cape Wildlife Center staff members were shocked when they received a photo of a flying squirrel that was covered in a strange substance, which they could not identify. Despite their confusion, the staff knew the squirrel needed help and decided to take him in. Upon arrival, the veterinary team realized that the poor creature had been living inside a wall when it was insulated with spray foam, which had ended up covering him entirely. The hardened foam, especially on his face, made it hard for him to move and groom himself.

According to the Cape Wildlife Center Facebook post, “Both his front hands were also covered it in, and we could see, in a desperate attempt to remove it, he was trying to groom it off himself.” To help the little guy, the veterinary team gave him anesthesia, so as not to stress him out, and worked meticulously to remove the foam from his fur and skin. They used Q-tips soaked in nail polish remover to dissolve the foam, which turned out to be effective.

Despite their confusion, the staff knew the squirrel needed help and decided to take him in.

Although he lost some fur around his head, the team was able to remove all the foam within 20 minutes, and the flying squirrel started feeling better almost instantly after waking up from anesthesia. Now that he is recovering well at the center, the plan is to release him back into the wild once he’s fully healed.

This unfortunate situation highlights the importance of being careful when using spray foam insulation, as it can cause significant harm to wildlife living inside the walls. The Cape Wildlife Center staff deserves recognition for their quick action and success in saving this little flying squirrel.