Rambo's story starts with Cuda, and the pair are both very special dogs. They suffer from an extremely rare condition called 'short spine syndrome' and were born with shortened spinal columns. Dogs who suffer from this ailment, therefore, have some unique and distinctive features: a curved back, a long muzzle, and a thick neck.
Source: Julie LeRoy
Despite their differences,dogs with this condition can go on to lead long and happy lives.Cuda was adopted by Julie Leroy in 2010 and has since carried out prolific research into the disease that her beloved dog suffers from. The young lady reached out to find others that had dogs with the same condition and a total of 21 people responded, including Oly Ocampo and Arturo Gof.
Source: Oly Ocampo
OlyOcampo is the director of a shelter inCiudad Del Carmen, Mexico. In August 2016, several dogs that had been abandoned in a field were taken in by the association and among these was Rambo, another sufferer of short spine syndrome. Oly explained to The Dodo:
I thought he was born this way because his parents were related. With a face so beautiful, Rambo’s differences do not matter.
Arturo Gofregularly works withEvolución Animal A.C., an animal welfare association in Yucatan, Mexico. The young man, who had already adopted a dog that suffers from this condition, Mina, recently became the parent of another. Construction site workers contacted him after seeing a man trying to kill his dog as according to the man he"looked like a demon."
Source: Arturo Gof
Arturo welcomed the animal with open arms and named him Vlad. Sadly, the canine passed away last year but got to spend the final chapter of his life in a loving home. As soon as he then heard about Rambo, Arturo knew straight away that he had to help. He jumped in his car and make the long journey to Ocampo's shelter. He confessed:
The moment he saw me, he walked towards me and started to sniff me, telling me to play with him. He knew I was his new life companion.
Source: Arturo Gof
Arturo decided to rename the special dog 'Feliz', which means happy in Spanish. The adorable animal quickly found his place in his new busy home, made up of 17 dogs and 3 horses.
Source : Arturo Gof
Watch Feliz's video below:
Les presento el momento en el que conocí a Felíz!Here's the video of the first time I met Felíz (Happy in English)!Publié par Mina Minelius sur vendredi 28 avril 2017
Tens of thousands of dogs and cats end up in shelters each year, either due to neglect, abuse or abandonment. Consider adopting before you shop, and visit your local shelters before going to a breeder. Every dog and cat deserves a fair chance at a forever home.If you live in England, you can visit the RSPCA, and if you live in the United States, you can visit the ASPCA to get more information about pets available for adoption.
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