Emma, an adorable dog awaiting puppies, found herself at an animal shelter in Charlotte, USA. Sadly, she was about to be euthanized.Fortunately, Nicholas R decided to step in to save Emma from her tragic fate. It was thanks to one of his friends that he heard about Emma and he knew immediately that he had to foster her into his family.
Source: Nicholas R.
Having already fostered a dog who recently died, Nicholas jumped at the opportunity to save Emma and her babies. He was put in contact with Jesse's Place Rescue Inc., who was in charge of the rescue:
I’m interested in fostering and possibly adopting this sweet girl…I’m very patient, calm, gentle, and have plenty of time to work with her. My last rescued boy died in 2016 from cancer.
Source: Nicholas R.
The organisation managed to get Emma out of the Charlotte shelter and then hand her over to Nicholas. However, they may have forgotten to mention one significant detail...the dog was pregnant.Nicholas, who has experience in birthing animals decided that this wasn't a problem and they would deliver the pups at his house. When the time came, Emma had six beautiful pups in the comfort of her new forever home.
Source: Nicholas R.
H/t: Fox 13