
Curious Dog Finds His Way Into Car Engine And Couldn't Be Happier To Be There


Lidiane Braga Carlos had the surprise of her life in Campo Largo, Brazil in July while she was driving to work. As she made her daily commute, her car suddenly stopped working. Then, as she opened the hood of her car to see what the problem was, she came across a rather large four-legged surprise.

Source: Facebook/Lidiane Braga Carlos

She found a dog, sitting comfortably and smiling away under the hood of her car.Surprisingly, the dog seemed to be completely unharmed and rather happy in his new surroundings. Lidiane called the fire brigade to help the dog out of his predicament, but local passersby, fascinated by the dog, were able to do so themselves.As soon as the dog was out of the engine, the kind woman drove him to the vet to make sure that he was ok. She explained her surprise to The Dodo:

It was a big fright! Could you imagine a dog in the engine? I was so worried about whether he was hurt or not [...] Thank God he wasn't hurt.

Source: Facebook/Lidiane Braga Carlos

Luckily, the pooch was in perfect health and was able to go home with Lidiane. It is still a mystery how he came to be in her car engine, but the lady is just so happy that he is ok.As of yet, she has been unable to locate the sweet dog's family or owner and so is taking care of him at her home and will adopt him as her own if she is ultimately unable to.

Source: Facebook/Lidiane Braga Carlos

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