One year after the earthquake that devastated the center of Italy, Amatrice, one of the cities affected, erected a statue to honortheir four-pawed hero, Camilla, who saved so many lives in the wake of the disaster.
Source: Il Sole 24 Ore.
On the night of the earthquake, the Border Collie who works with the firefighters in the local area rescued several people who were injured. The eight-year-old dog not only showed amazing bravery during this disaster but on many others all throughout her impressive career.Sadly, Camilla passed away in June after she fell from a rock while looking for a missing person inBergeggi, Italy.
Source: Il Corriere della Sera.
During the emotional unveiling of the statue, the mayor of Amatrice, described:
This statue represents the best of Italy, it is the incarnation of generosity, solidarity, love and care. This dog is an example for all of us, she represents everyone, all of the animals and people that give their time, energy and love in difficult times, like this disaster that we faced in Amatrice.
Source: Amici Cani e Gatti.
The people of Amatrice will remember Camilla not only for her heroic acts, which are too many to list but also for her kind and sweet nature. The monument in her honor won the'Fedeltà del cane' (dog loyalty) award for 2017 and will remind the residents of the city for years to come of the special dog.
Cover Image: Il Sole 24 Ore & La Stampa
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