
Adorable Dog Won't Let Her Deformed Legs Stop Her Moving


When Rexi was just a few weeks old, her parents James Cassity and Rachel Woertink noticed their little Golden Retriever was starting to limp. The vet soon diagnosed her with a serious neurological problemand advised her family that it would be better to put her to sleep.


Source : @GoFundMe

At first they thought she has just sprained her leg and took her for X-rays, where everything seemed completely normal. But her mobility difficulties got worse and worse every day, until the young pup lost all use of her two front legs.


Source : @GoFundMe

Tragically, Rexi can't move her legs past her head at all now. The poor pup relies on scraping her chest along the ground with her back legs to get around. But in spite of her severe deformity, Rexi's parents categorically refuse to part with their dog or put an end to her life. Cassity tells ABC7:

She is like family to us you know. We don’t have any kids so this is kind of like our kid right here and we treat her like that.


Source : @GoFundMe

Though daily life for this dog is anything but simple, she is resolutely enthusiastic and loves to play.

Her parents tried to make it easier for her to get around with a special wheelchair for dogs, but it caused more problems that it solved. Rexi hit rocks and other small obstacles on her way, falling headfirst from the wheelchair and unable to get up again on her own.

Her family saw no other option than to ask for help. The couple recently set up a GoFundMe page to help fund the surgical treatment to fix her legs. They are also calling for "any kind of invention, somebody who knows something about dogs missing their front legs or handicapped, maybe some kind of doctor who knows about a surgery" which could improve Rexi's everyday life.


Source : @GoFundMe

Since launching the webpage, the couple have already found a doctor to operate on the dog once they have reached the necessary financial target.

If you want to help give this adorable ball of fluff a better life, you can make a donation here.

H/t: @BarkPost