
Actor Chris Evans Pays Homage To His Dog And Shares Adorable Video Of Their First Meeting

Andrea A.

Many people know american actor Chris Evans for his starring role as Captain America. However, what people may not know is his ardent love for all things four legged, more specifically dogs. At the beginning of April, he paid homage to his beloved dog and best friend Dodger.Evans adopted the animal last year. The actor, while on location for his film Gifted, immediately wanted to know if the animals were available for adoption or if they were purely for the production of the film. Upon learning that the pups were indeed waiting for a family, he knew what he needed to do.

Source: Chris Evans

From that moment on, Dodger has not left his famous master's side. Evans used this as an opportunity to reiterate the importance of adopting dogs from shelters.He shared a video on Twitter showing the moment they pair met and both their lives changed forever. He said:

This is the moment we met. He was trying so hard to stay seated even though he desperately wanted to get out. I knew right away that he was coming home with me, so I took this video to always remember our first hello. Rescue dogs are the best dogs!! #NationalPetDay

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) 11 avril 2018

Chris Evans concluded:

Rescue dogs are the best dogs!!

Source: Chris Evans

Shelters are overpopulated with adorable animals just waiting to find a loving family. Adopt, don’t shop! It is a true pity to bring animals into the world with the sole aim of selling them. Animals are not goods to be sold. Adopting an animal will save not just one but two lives; one of the animal you’re welcoming into your home, and the other being the one who will take their free space in the shelter.

H/t: The Dodo