On the 10th of April 2018, an inquest by the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, a French charity which rescues abused animals, revealed the ordeal of numerous cats, dogs and other animals in Waziers, in the north of France.
Source: Fondation Brigitte Bardot
They had been locked up - some of them in total darkness - in a 75 year-old woman's home. A neighbour alerted the foundation, which visited the property before filing an official complaint.Several dogs had been left without food or water, while the cats were shut up in the basement. Two dead kittens were found. Claudine Caniaux, who headed the inquiry, said:
Before I even entered the property I noticed a revolting smell. The house was absolutely filthy, and every surface was covered with animal faeces.
Source: Fondation Brigitte Bardot
The woman, aged 75, has been declared incompetent. An operation to evacuate the animals was carried out on the 20th of April, with members of the Brigitte Bardot Foundation present.
Source: Fondation Brigitte Bardot
In total 7 cats, 3 dogs, 13 birds and a rabbit were rescued. They have been placed in shelters belonging to the foundation, where they will receive all the care necessary.
Source: Fondation Brigitte Bardot