27 Pictures That Show Just How Evil Cats Really Are
Cats have kind of a bad reputation. A reputation for being mean. As much as we love cats and would like to prove just how unfair this reputation is - we couldn't.So instead, here are 27 pictures of cats being evil masterminds. You have been warned.
1. "The cat wouldn't let me do my homework"
Source: Greenhairdontcare182/Reddit
2. "The cat ate my homework..."
Source: Adan714/Reddit
3. When you try to take a nice picture with your cat
Source: rejeverdeen/Reddit
4. Levitating or ruining the screen door?
Source: teemarsh/Reddit
5. He's mine and so's the bed.
Source: The_Morning_Dove/Reddit
6. That's the dog's breakfast...
Source: Mrbooray/Reddit
7. Cat Vs Christmas tree.
Source: Reddit
8. Have you seen this underwear?
Source: benji/Reddit
9. Only this place will do for my bath.
Source: thrusher/Reddit
10. Kitty doesn't approve of pineapple on pizza
Source: Reddit
11. Attempted murder
Source: allergictokittycats
12. Well, at least he's comfy.
Source: snwboard333/Reddit
13. "Don't sit on the keyboard"
Source: zeinshver/Reddit
14. He knew exactly what he was doing.
15. No-one shuts kitty out
Source: johnschmidt4372/Reddit
16. Caught red-pawed.
Source: washcapsfan/Reddit
17. Don't try to brush your teeth
Source: inkspecialist/Reddit
18. Seriously. Don't.
Source: imgur
19. Just got back from hospital? Don't expect sympathy from the cat
Source: Teslatic/Reddit
20. Guess we know how he feels about her
Source: _emordnilaP/Reddit
21. Get a cat, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
22. Cats don't appreciate being walked
Source: partlizard/Reddit
23. Guess I didn't need that envelope anyway...
Source: uracodfish/Reddit
24. At least he has the grace to look guilty
Source: zeinshver/Reddit
25. Just...how?
Source: godofleet/Reddit
26. Fancy Japanese doors are the perfect opportunity for mischief